Because first impressions do matter.
With any successful match, two parties benefit. As we assist companies to find the best-in-class candidates, we help countless individuals find their perfect career fit. With more than 20 years experience, literally thousands of resumes have passed in front of our keen recruitment eyes. We offer you the opportunity to put that experience to work in your search for the ideal next move. Ask about Frontier Talent's professional resume editing and writing services for the job seeker interested in putting their best foot forward. We also offer customized career coaching services to get you on track, make your search more effective and efficient, and increase the chances that potential employers will find you.
Resume Submission: If you would like to submit your resume for consideration for assignments on which we may be working, please attach a current resume and forward to
If your background and experience is applicable for an opportunity, we'll be in contact shortly. Please note that due to the large number of resumes we review on a daily basis, we will only be in contact if we feel there's a fit for a current opportunity. Otherwise, we will gladly keep your resume on file for future opportunities.